Sunday, May 5, 2013

A snowy visit from Aunt Sarah

Aunt Sarah has arrived and everyone's pumped!  Unfortunately she arrived right in the middle of 2 snowstorms.  Tuesday was the right day to come as we were getting some significant snow on Monday and Wednesday.  Who cares if it was just 75 and sunny.  It's never too late for some snow.  As time would tell, even May isn't too late!
What are you lookin at?
We didn't get out a whole lot due to the weather but were able to go to lunch a few times, do some shopping, and show Aunt Sarah Lucky Strike(where I work sometimes).  We got to hang out with friends a bunch had some quality Paul, Emily, and Averie time too!  Cody and his dog Angus came to visit as well.  We mostly ordered food which isn't normal but with the weather it was easier and more convenient that going to the store.  I did make dinner one night, Chicken Parm that turned out pretty well.  Aunt Sarah was able to spend a lot of time with George but didn't get to babysit.  The weather again put a damper on that.  Courtney and I were going to take advantage of having someone who would love to babysit here with us, but the opportunity just never came.  Next time Aunt Sarah!
We were invited to Paul and Emily's house for dinner where we were lucky enough to be a part of Emily's first pot roast.  It turned out great.  Especially for a vegetarian recently turned meat eater.  Welcome to the good side!  As usual Averie was loving on George and can't enough of him!  She was a big fan of Aunt Sarah as well.
Aunt Sarah and my new hat
My first sneakers that fit!!  Thanks Aunt Sarah!
Big Smiles!

He's recently discovered his hand and sucking his thumb

We'll get some more pictures up soon of some of the outfits and exersaucer that Aunt Sarah bought for George as well.  Thanks for all of the gifts Aunt Sarah!  Of course she left 70 degree weather in Buffalo to come to snowstorms here.  And in fitting fashion, the day after she left we jumped up in to the 70s and she returned home to crummy weather in Buffalo.  Hopefully, that's an excuse for her to come back soon and enjoy the hot summer and enjoy Colorado.  I'll leave you with a link to an awesome video of George showing tummy time who's boss.

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