Thursday, February 14, 2013

and week 1 is over already!

I can't believe it's been a week already!  That went by pretty fast.  It's been full of busy days and busy nights (certainly in Courtney's case!).  He is still eating very frequently and for pretty long periods of time as well.  He definitely likes to take breaks in the middle a meal with a little fuss as well.  Why?  We have no idea but he is getting his fill, that's for sure.
...and Lounging

Our buddy Jake came over to meet George Monday night but other than that it's been a pretty quiet week.  Quiet may not be the correct word...visitor-free may be more accurate.  It's nice for the 3 of us to be able to figure things out but we always enjoy visitors as well!  George will love all of the friends and family that support him.
Tuesday was George's first bath at home.  They gave him one in the hospital shortly after he was born.  He didn't like it very much as you can see.  He did warm up to it a little towards the end and I know he'll eventually love them.  Once the cord and circumcision take care of themselves we can submerge him and and get him used to the water(the cord fell today).
Not Happy

Fighting It

Good to Go
This week also brought George's introduction to his 3 cousins Haley, Madelyn, and Devon.  It was great to see their excitement and can't wait for the good times to come!  Wednesday was also a lot of cleaning and Courtney and I finally ordered some wedding pictures.  Almost 3 1/2 years later...not bad.
The chair that Mike and Robyn (who are now an Uncle and Aunt for the first time...that gets over looked) got us showed up today and the nursery is now basically complete.  Courtney made immediate use out of the chair and it's nice for her to have a quiet place to go nurse.  I know George appreciates it too.THANK YOU!
The new place to be
 Some more pictures of week 1 below!!

Thanks Andi for the rocker!!

 I know, he's on the table but he's not going anywhere!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the blog!! This is really setting the bar high for the future taco blog...

    hopefully I'll see you guys tomorrow :) Love you Loehfelm's!

