Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Grandma and Grandpa Loehfelm, Uncle Tom, and lots of animals!

Grandma Nancy and George's 1st Meeting

Grandpa George and George for the 1st Time
George's first introduction to Grandma and Grandpa Loehfelm!  Not the best pictures I know but they'll do.  The camera somehow got switched to manual focus and I couldn't figure out why they were all blurry for 2 days.  I still have some work to do on the photography side of things.  Grandma and Grandpa Loehfelm arrived on Tuesday, March 12th and we had an awesome time!  The weather could not have been better and I haven't spent that much time with them in quite a while.  George was pumped to meet them and I think we made the most of it.  We hung out at the house Tuesday night and Wednesday while everyone got situated and the weather brightened up. By Thursday, we went for a walk and brought George to the Grocery store for the first time.  Shorts and a t-shirt were all that was needed.  We returned home and it was so nice we decided to take a ride to Red Rocks Amphitheater to see some of the beauty.  A nice day for a drive and a nice day to be out and about.  After we got home and relaxed for a bit, we grilled some burgers and called it a night.
The Stage at Red Rocks

Grandma and Grandpa at Red Rocks

View of Denver from Red Rocks

Being Good in the Stroller at the Zoo

We were lucky enough to have a 75 degree day on Friday as well and took advantage by going to the zoo.  We met our friends Eric, Jen, and their 2 1/2 year old Mazie.  George was great and slept pretty much the entire time we were there.  Soon enough he'll enjoy the animals.  I did.   There will be plenty more as time goes on.  We got a family pass for the summer and will most likely be spending many afternoons there.  Thanks Mom!   Below is a link to an album of the animals we saw if you're interested.


Family Pic at the Zoo
 After the zoo, we went back home and relaxed for a bit before I had to go to work Friday night.  It was a promo for ONE ROQ Vodka and Courtney was able to come with me while Grandma and Grandpa babysat!  It was a little tough at first as it was Courtney's first time away from George.  She did great and was able to enjoy herself.  Out.  For the first time in awhile.  It was only about 2 hours that we were gone and I think that was plenty long enough.

Saturday was a long day of work for me from 1 until about 10:30 PM.  Courtney, George, Grandma and Grandpa went to Littleton for dinner at an old friend of Grandma's.  They brought home some leftover lasagna for me and it sounds like everyone had a good time!  They bought some pretty cool dinosaur outfits for George.

Mom and George in St. Patrick's Day Hat
 Sunday was St. Patrick's Day and I went to the store in the morning and made my best(and first) effort at Corned Beef and Cabbage.  I think it turned out pretty good.  We had some visitors for dinner and watched a lot of basketball and hockey.  Matt, Nichole, and Sebastian were over...along with Paul, Emily, and Averie and Cody and Jessa.  George had on his green and even rocked the hat for a bit.  Not too long though.

Monday day was pretty uneventful as George was a bit fussy and we were awaiting the arrival of Uncle Tom.  George was very excited to meet him!  Uncle Tom was in Jackson Hole, WY for a wedding and swung by Denver for a few days before heading back to Atlanta.  It was great to have so much family here at once.  A rare occasion.  We made it work in our small house but Uncle Tom got stuck on the couch for a few nights.  He didn't mind.
Uncle Tom and George's Introduction
Tuesday was our last day and we decided to go to the aquarium.  It was pretty cool and was also mine and Courtney's first time there.  We ate lunch right when we got there and George again slept most of the time.  There are 4 tigers at the aquarium but they were not out which was a bit disappointing.  Disappointing because they call it Tiger Tuesday.  Not such a great name.  There were a lot of cool things there though and we'll be back for sure!  There were also snakes there which was unnecessary.  They don't need to be anywhere for all I care.  Here is a link to an album of aquarium pictures for those interested.

Below are pictures from the rest of the visit.......
Lunch at the Aquarium

Tummy Time with Grandma and Mom

Grandpa George, George, and Grandma

Mom and George

We all like Words with Friends
Uncle Tom

 Here are some pictures of a bath that George is really starting to enjoy!  I think you can tell from the pictures...

Some pictures of his new Pack n' Play.  He's starting to get a bit big for the bassinet and it's much easier to leave it as a co-sleeper next to the bed!

And finally, the most recent pictures of George doing some tummy time on Mom's chest.  He's really getting the hang of lifting up his head on his own!  Enjoy...

Big Smiles!

 The end....for now

1 Month Old...and some Colorado Cousins!!

 So...as I thought the posts would be further and further apart the more I got back to work and we've also had some more visitors which also keep me busy!  This time it was Grandma and Grandpa Loehfelm and some Uncle Tom action as well but we'll get in to that a bit later.  In the meantime, here are some pictures of George in his chair, which he has come to love!  I think the choice of finger in the first picture has to do with the amount of pictures I take and not the chair!  It vibrates and I can't figure out why these chairs aren't more accessible for adults.  I think I might enjoy one.  It's also great because it allows Courtney and I to hang out in the kitchen and make breakfast, lunch, and dinner while all hanging out together.
1 Month Old
 We also celebrated the big 1 month birthday this week!  I can't believe how fast that first month was and I'm sure it doesn't slow down as time goes on.  It must mean we're having fun.  We were able to go for a long walk on George's 1 month birthday as well.  The weather was beautiful and I know Mom enjoys getting out of the house.  It doesn't happen often!  He also digs the car seat which is great.  He pretty much falls asleep right away and stays relaxed.  If he does wake up, it doesn't bother him and he pretty much sits there and checks things out.

Great Day for a Walk
Enjoying the Car Seat

Mercedes and George
 We had a snow storm the day after the walk but it returned to being nice in time for some more cousins to come visit!  Mercedes, Ben, Megan and Pete came to meet George and he was loving it!  It's always nice to see some more Colorado family and I know there are plenty of great times to come.  Mercedes is working on her babysitting skills and I know Ben can one day teach him some hunting and fishing techniques.  He also has some cool toys and animals that George will no doubt want to know more about in the near future.
Stretching out...it was a long month
Ben, Mercedes, George and I

Not the best 1 month picture...we'll work on it